Green Business Norway steps up activity in Polish market

Green Business Norway steps up activity in Polish market
10. July 2009

Green Business Norway has been actively cultivating the Polish market since 2005. The focus has been on networking with segments and target groups of key importance to GBN member businesses. Having identified growing potential in several segments of the environmental and energy technology sector, GBN is now stepping up its efforts in the Polish market.

GBN and several of its members have worked together to build an extensive network for the benefit of Norwegian companies providing know-how, technology and solutions in water treatment, waste management, materials and energy recycling, and environmental monitoring. These key segments are expected to see significant growth in the years ahead.

Business Intelligence Program Poland
The Business Intelligence Program Poland is a project designed to connect Norwegian exporters of know-how, technology and solutions with Poland’s environmental and energy technology sector.
The priority segments for 2009 are water and wastewater treatment, waste management, materials and energy recycling, and environmental monitoring of water, soil and air.

Core activities of the program include:

  • Market monitoring in selected segments of the environmental and energy technology sector.
  • Promotion and marketing of know-how, technology and solutions to potential clients and at major exhibitions and conferences.
  • Developing joint projects between Norwegian companies with shared market interests. These projects may involve joint bids, market positioning and marketing.

The Business Intelligence Program Poland is run by Green Business Norway in close cooperation with the Polish office of Innovation Norway.

Contact at Green Business Norway
Anna Larsson Tlf: +46 706 989 091

Contact at Innovasjon Norway Poland
Ewa Kvast Tlf: +48 601 43 86 86

Poleko Fair
Green Business Norway will be attending the Poleko Fair on 24–27 November in Poznan. The Poleko Fair, taking place for the 21st consecutive year, is Central and Eastern Europe’s biggest environmental technology show. Our presence will be organized in close cooperation with Innovation Norway Poland, which is in overall charge of the Norwegian exhibits at Poleko. Updated information on the program for the Poleko Fair will be available on Green Business Norway’s activities page: