Green Business Norway promotes cleantech solutions at GALA in Warsaw

Green Business Norway promotes cleantech solutions at GALA in Warsaw
01. April 2009

GALA is Poland’s annual awards ceremony for environmentally certified businesses and local authorities, at which no fewer than 46 awards are presented. The event is well attended by Polish cabinet ministers and parliamentarians.

GBN’s Anne Lise Gjestvang promoting Norwegian cleantech solutions

This was the second year running that Green Business Norway had been invited to promote Norwegian cleantech solutions. There is great interest in what Norwegian suppliers have to offer the public and private sectors in Poland.

The GALA event attracted extensive coverage in the Polish media, including the Ekologia web portal (Polish only):

samarbeid.jpgLindum signs letter of intent with Polish partner
For quite some time, Lindum has been working to build business relationships with Polish waste management companies wishing to expand into organic waste treatment.
We’ve been working on waste management plans for one region of Poland and on recycling points in Krakow, said Pål Smits, managing director of Lindum. Now we’ve also achieved a breakthrough in the form of a closer partnership to develop the biocell concept.
The project sets out to devise a solution for organic waste treatment during a transitional period until it is possible to establish permanent biogas plants in Koszalin, southeast of Gdansk. Lindum’s partner in the project is the municipal waste management company PGK (Przedsiebiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej).
The plan is to work together on establishing a biocell to receive and treat organic waste. The scope of the project includes assessing and procuring suitable waste for the biocell, designing and constructing the cell, installing a gas collection system and connecting it to a gas-fired power plant to harness the energy and power the biocell.
PGK is a future-oriented company that sees opportunities for expansion in organic waste treatment. For more information on Lindum, visit

Green Business Norway targets Poland
Green Business Norway (GBN) has been actively targeting the Polish market since 2005. The focus is on building a network among key segments and target groups for Norwegian cleantech suppliers, especially GBN member businesses.
In the part of the Polish market where GBN operates, the consensus is that there’s great benefit in talking to a membership-based industry organization about what Norwegian technology suppliers and knowledge providers have to offer. The main reason for this is that the players in Poland find it easier to deal with an industry organization than with individual companies -explained Anne Lise Gjestvang.
A dialogue of this kind enables GBN to position Norwegian technology and expertise to win future contracts in Poland. Key directions for technology choices are laid down in the early stages of project development. Getting a foot in the door early on is therefore essential if we are to have a realistic chance to compete when projects go out to tender -said Anne Lise Gjestvang in conclusion.

Norway: Anne Lise Gjestvang

Poland: Anja Larsson