ETV Conference Brussel 12 - 13 October

About the conference
Accelerating eco-innovation is an important aim for the environment, the European economy and Europe in a global market. Proving that new technologies are working through Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) is one way to achieve the goal.

Therefore, the European Commission intends the implementation of a EU ETV system. ETV is an independent assessment of the performance of a specific environmental product or technology and provides quantitative information on the performance of innovative technologies.

Investors and customers can have confidence that new technologies meet the claimed performance.
Technology providers can speed up the market acceptance of innovative products.
An ETV scheme at EU level can open markets within Europe following the principle verified once, accepted everywhere
International recognition and mutual acceptance with non EU ETV schemes supports European technologies in a global market.

In projects all over Europe, first experiences with ETV in pilot technology sectors such as air pollution abatement, water monitoring and treatment, cleaner production and contaminated site remediation have been collected.

The conference Accelerating Eco-innovation through Environmental Technology Verification addresses technology providers, industry representatives and associations, politicians and regulators, with the aims to:

Introduce ETV as a tool for technology promotion
Show results of pilot verifications
Open a gate for participants to present their views to the European Community and decision makers
Actively discuss the pros and cons of EU ETV in a global market

The participation is free of charge!

Please find more information about the conference and how to register under: