Visit by Forum Dyrektorow, Poland

Visit by Forum Dyrektorow, Poland
18. Mai 2009

Forum Dyrektorow is a network of senior executives from Polish waste management companies – a key target group in the Polish market for Norwegian providers of waste management know-how, technology and solutions.
The visit in May 2009 was a technical site visit focused on technology and solutions for waste separation, composting and biogas production, and on waste management and its organization at intermunicipal level.

Program, 18–19 May 2009

  • Meeting and site visit at Lindum Ressurs og Gjenvinning
    Waste separation solutions, composting, biogas technology, etc.
  • Site visits to GLØR and Mjøsanlegget
    ASDomestic waste treatment, presentation of Cambi’s technology, organization of joint municipal waste management in the Oppland/Hedmark region, etc.

    Mjøsanlegget AS is a treatment plant handling wet organic waste from some 75,000 households in the Mjøs region, owned jointly by three waste management companies: Hias iks, Hamar; GLT-Avfall iks, Gjøvik; GLØR iks, Lillehammer. GLØR is owned by the municipalities of Lillehammer, Gausdal and Øyer.

  • Demonstration of the Tomra reverse vending machine and the waste management arrangements at Rosenlund shopping centre
  • Lunch as guests of the Regional Municipality of Oppland
  • Workshop

    Operating conditions for the waste management sector in Norway
    – Participating GBN member businesses
    – Håkon Jentoft, Norsk Avfall
    – Forum Dyrektorow